![Cybiko Classic Yellow](images/yellow.gif)
Wireless Math
Please note that this software no longer works as presented
because Cybiko Inc. is no more.
What you need.
One "Classic" Cybikos
connected (Serial Cable) to a PC connected to the Internet
Cybiko CyWIG Software running on the Cybiko and PC
Cybiko WAP Browser running on other "Classic" Cybikos
Alternatively you can view WAP (Wireless Application Protocol)
pages through a wireless telephone.
How does it work?
Log on to
http://organic.chemistry.utep.edu:8080/myServlets/servlet/WAP.login through the
Cybiko WAP
![Cybiko's WAP Browser](images/wap_browser.gif)
Once you see the WiMath login page type in the email address
where your quiz results will be delivered. For fun use the seven digit ID
of your Cybiko (it's on the back) followed by @cybiko.com
(xxxxxxx@cybiko.com). Tab
to and press the Submit link.
![Login Example](images/loginexample.gif)
Log in to
http://organic.chemistry.utep.edu/algebra on your PC and type in anonymous,
anonymous for both your login and password. Select an algebra problem that
you would like your students to solve.
Put the title of the problem in the Question field followed by
an algebraic solution to the problem. One slight problem, because these
WAP pages use the CGI post method, the plus sign is converted to a space.
Thus please use an apostrophe in place of the plus sign. Look under
http://organic.chemistry.utep.edu/algebra for more instructions. Once
you have answered correctly you will receive email confirmation.
![Correct Answer Response Example](images/wimathcorrect.gif)
WiMath Components
non-purchased ware
our creation
commercial software