![Cybiko Classic Clear](images/clear.gif)
A Molecular Model Set & Socratic Network for the Cybiko!
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CyGRADE 20020106
<D>raw/Enter Draw mode to access the following functions:
<C>lear all atoms and bonds.
<Del>ete atom or bond at cursor.
<H>ydrogens are added at selected "dot" carbon.
<Ins>ert Dialog creates a new atom at cursor or changes an
existing atom label.
<Select> atom at cursor.
<Tab> Create a bond between selected atom and cursor
position. If no atom exists at cursor a new atom is created with the last label
entered via the Insert Dialog. This label is shown next to Draw.
<U>ndo one step.
Press the following keys once to manipulate models with the arrow buttons:
<M>ove entire model on x-y plane.
Move <O>ne atom on x-y plane.
<R>oll entire model out of x-y plane.
Ro<T>a<T>e model on x-y plane using up-down buttons only.
<S>cale/Change the scale of the model using up-down button.
Other Functions:
<A>rrange and center model.
<Esc>ape program. Networking is lost!
<H>ydrogens are toggled off and on.
<Q>uiz Dialog. Available in lecture only.
<W>rite Dialog. Available in lecture only.
<X>/Mirror image in x direction.
CyGRADE Course Management Software
Draw Polling
Text Polling
![Download CyGRADE.app](images/CyGRADEapp.jpg)