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  1. Heating Mantle (Well)
  2. Heating Mantle Controller
  3. Hot Plate
  4. Distillation Kit
  5. Beakers x 6
  6. Erlenmeyer Flask x 3
  7. Graduate Cylinder, 100 mL
  8. Graduate Cylinder, 10 mL
  9. Thermometer
  10. Glass Rod
  11. Watch Glass
  12. Stands x 2
  13. Clamps, Burette x 2
  14. Clamp, Pinch
  15. Clamp, Screw
  16. Clamps, Universal x 2
  17. Ring, Iron
  18. Cork Ring
  19. Funnel, Plastic
  20. Funnel, Glass
  21. Aspirator
  22. Splash Guard
  23. Suction Hose
  24. Buchner Funnel, Medium
  25. Filter Flask, 500 mL
  26. Pan, Enamel
  27. Rubber Tubing
  28. Spatula, Nichrome
  29. Test Tubes x 10
  30. Test Tube Blush
  31. Test Tube Rack
  32. Clamp, Test Tube


jsal at utep dot edu

Telephone: (915) 747-5704

PSCI 203C or 308

Office Hours