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Organic Chemistry I Laboratory for Chemistry and Biochemistry Majors

Fall 2024

Text: Experimental Organic Chemistry A Small-Scale Approach, 2nd Edition, Wilcox & Wilcox, ISBN 0-02-427691-X

Please note that the scale of each experiment may be changed.

Instructor:  James Salvador, jsal at utep dot edu, ext. 5704, contact me via email to setup a Microsoft Teams meeting.

Tuesday Teaching Assistants:  Jeffrey Richards, PSCI 308A, ext. 5849, jsrichards at miners dot utep dot edu

Thursday Teaching Assistants:  Jose Rosales, PSCI 308A, ext. 5849, jarosales3 at miners dot utep dot edu

Week Dates First Activity Second Activity
1 August 27 & 29 No labs!  
2 September 3 & 5 Laboratory Safety-Moodle Optical Polarizers/DIY Molecular Models from Waste Plastic
3 10 & 12 Melting Points (8.4 A) IR
4 17 & 19 Crystallization (8.4 B) NMR
5 24 & 26 Simple vs. Fractional Distillation (5.4 B) PVAC
6 October 1 & 3 Extraction (9.7 D) and Sublimation (8.3) PVA
7 8 & 10 Chromatography (10.7 C) GC
8 15 & 17 SN1 Reaction (18.3 C) Linear
9 22 & 24 Chemical Kinetics (20.4) Polarimetry
10 29 & 31 Synthesis of Aspirin (49.2 A) Circular
11 November 5 & 7 E1 Reaction (21.5 A) and Steam Distillation (7) UV-Vis
12 12 & 14 Isopentyl Acetate (Modified 30.2.a) Microwave
13 19 & 21 IR (Read Chapter 13) & NMR (Read Chapter 15) NMRI
14 26 & 28 Holiday-No Labs Superconductors?
15 December 3 & 5 Superconductors? 3D

Required materials (You will be turned away and earn a zero in attendance for missing safety attire!):

  1. The book
  2. Goggles (not safety glasses) A seal should form around your eyes.
  3. Pants (not shorts) Your legs must be covered.
  4. Shoes (not sandals) Your feet must be completely covered.
  5. A lab coat.

What you should be learning:

  1. Know the dangers of each laboratory including how to mitigate your risk.
  2. Read and understand all the chapter and not just the experimental procedure. 
  3. Make sure that you can draw all structures and mechanisms for each lab. 
  4. Be able to apply a given mechanism to other reagents because we are not just cooks!
  5. Understand which fundamental mechanism you are applying (Addition, Elimination or Substitution) including the stereochemical consequences.
  6. Understand whether a reaction is an oxidation, reduction or not a net redox reaction.
  7. Be able to calculate the yield of a reaction. 
    1. structure to formula conversion,
    2. formula to molecular weight conversion,
    3. ml to grams via density and vice-versa,
    4. grams to moles,
    5. what is the limiting reagents,
    6. what is the stoichiometry of the reaction.
  8. Understand why a particular procedure was followed.
  9. Remember that this semester, this lab is your job.

Your grade will consist of:

  1. 1/3 attendance. You must participate fully in the lab, and not come and go as you please!
  2. 1/3 laboratory Quizzes. Quizzes will be open only on the Monday of the given lab week.
  3. 1/3 laboratory Reports.  Reports will open on the Friday morning after the lab and close at 11:59 pm of the next Monday.

A > 89.5 %, B > 79.5 %, C > 69.5 %, D > 59.5 %



jsal at utep dot edu

Telephone: (915) 747-5704

PSCI 203C or 308

Office Hours